Member of the Regional Chamber of Legal Advisers in Torun from 1993
Tel./Fax: +56 659.32.24
Mobile: (0602)631.069


Specialization: Dealing with domestic and international contracts of sale of goods, supply and investment contracts.

Background: Master of Law (University of Nicolas Copernicus in Torun).

Languages: Polish, English, Russian.

Additional professional qualifications :
  • Training in Middleton Potts Solicitors - London and 20 Essex Street Chambers - London; 1994;
  • General course on the UK law for Polish lawyers at University of London, Queen Mary College 1994;
  • Training for lawyers within the framework of EC Phare Program - Dansk Technologisk (Denmark) 1993;
  • Arbitrator in the Arbitration Court of the Polish Chamber of Agricultural Plants and Installations - 2002;
  • The Chairman of the Arbitration Court of The Polish Association of Engineers and Technicians of Building Industry - 2002;
  • Intensive Course of European Law within the framework of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Project - Torun 2002.
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